Sunday, September 11, 2011

Melville Intermediate - TV Station Broadcast Promo

At Melville Intermediate School all classrooms are linked by a TV Network that has begun broadcasting again.  We've got an opportunity for students to receive the daily notices and see footage shown relating to school events.  This week we've got the debut of a new classroom competition involving all of the students of Melville Intermediate School.  In New Zealand students at Melville are either Y7 (10-11) or Y8 (12-13).  The competition is a combination/tribute to 'Survivor' the TV show that some of the students watch.   This is the promo for the competition which were running on the School Network and online.  Room Eight students have key behind the scene roles in producing, filming and presenting the show, which we will be showing in episodes online.  This promo was filmed by Lana and Shania on Friday 9th September 2011.
Melville TV Station Promo: Episode One Preview from myles webb on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Room 8,
    We loved watching your survivor promo. We will have to keep checking in to see how you guys are getting on with this challenge. We hope someone from Room 8 wins.
    From Room 14
